Family Pictures

My brother Joel won the Soap Box Derby in 1965 at Roanoke VA. The entire family went to Akron Ohio for the National Championships.  That's me sitting on Fess Parkers (Daniel Boone) lap. The man holding the ham is Frankie Avalon. My sister Sally to his left had just given him the ham.





My Dad, William Robert Spencer Sr. 1942 Parris Island SC.  Dad passed away in 2004, not a day goes by I don't think about him and wish he was here to talk to. 











Dad somewhere around 1926-1930











Dad, My brother Bill, and me.










My Dad, my nephew Clayton, and my brother Joel circa 1983


Circa 1963

Top Left My Cousin Darleen, Sister Sally, Sister Susan

1st Row Brother Joel, Me, Brother Bill









Anne Claire, my 18 yearold stepdaughter and her boyfriend Donavan. 2010 Prom

Jill & I our wedding 11/09/07


Fiji Island 02/07

Allsports Cafe 02/10

Girls where celebrating end of Bowling season










Jill's long time friend Lisa

Allsports Bowling Party








My Grandfather Yancey Bailey Spencer "Bee" here shown in France around 1917. One of our Doughboys.

How ya gonna keep down on the farm after they've seen Paris?








1965 Roanoke Soap Box Derby Championship. My brother Joel holding trophy, sister Susan to his left, My brother Bill in background, probably not too happy since his younger brother had just won. Mom and I.  Thank God Mom did not make me a shirt like her and Susans.








Mom in her garden, She definately got her green thumb from her Mother. Mom and Dad spent years building the walls and planting a variety of beautiful flowers and plants in their backyard Oasis.